1. 足球音乐合集里,一个《天下足球》栏目,栏目为纪念当年降级的英超球队西汉姆联队而放的歌。歌名叫I will always return。(我一定会回来)全部英文歌词如下。
I hear the wind call your name
It calls me back home again
It sparks up the fire - a flame that still burns
Oh it's to you I'll always return
I still feel your breath on my skin goIn
I hear your voice deep within
The sound of my lover - a feeling so strong
It's to you - I'll always belong
Now I know it's true
My every road leads to you
And in the hour of darkness darlin'
Your light gets me through
Wanna swim in your river -
be warmed by your sun
Bathe in your waters -
cos you are the one
I can't stand the distance -
I can't dream alone
I can't wait to see you
I'm on my way home
Oh I hear the wind call your name
The sound that leads me home again
It sparks up the fire - a flame that still burns
Oh, it's to you - I will always return
这首歌是亚当斯本是为动画**《小马王》创作并演唱的片尾曲 ,你百度歌名的视频,就会发现一些用它做背景音乐的足球视频的,如国足的,如西汉姆联队的。
2. here i am
这首歌也是布莱恩·亚当斯为《小马王》创作并演唱的,是作为**的 主题曲用的,也是被许多足球视频用 作背景音乐的,如央视体育频道《卡卡篇》,如网友“莫问花落谁家”说的《英格兰足球联赛》主题曲。你百度就明白了。