
2.马术 英文介绍



5.奥运会的项目 你能用英语写有哪些





The Winter Olympic Games are abbreviated as winter Olympics and Winter Olympics. Mainly held by regions all over the world, it is the world's largest comprehensive Winter Games, which is held every four years.


Participating countries are mainly distributed all over the world, including Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania. Hosted by the International Olympic Committee.


In 1986, the IOC plenary session decided to separate the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics from 1994 and hold them every two years. The 1992 Winter Olympics was the last winter Olympics to be held in the same year as the Summer Olympics.


The first session has been held since 1924, and 23 sessions have been held by 2018, once every four years.


Winter Olympic events: short track speed skating, speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing, ski jumping, cross-country skiing, etc.







花样游泳synchronized swimming

水球water polo









小轮车cycling bmx

自行车场地赛cycling track

自行车公路赛cycling rode

山地自行车cycling mountain bike





艺术体操rhythmic gymnastics





现代五项modern pentathlon





乒乓球table tennis





沙滩排球beach volleyball



自行车场地赛cycling track规则:

Competition Format


Riders will complete a 200m-time trial to determine the qualifiers (18 men and 12 women) who will advance to the next phase (1/16th final for men and 1/8th final for women). The 1/16th and 1/8th finals are contested head to head with the winners advancing to the next phase and losers going to the repechages. From the quarterfinals, two-up matches over two heats (and a third deciding heat if necessary) will take place.

Quarterfinal winners will continue to the semi-finals and losers will ride a four-up sprint for places 5-8. The two winners of the semi-finals will compete for the first and second place and the two losers of the semifinals for the third and fourth.

Individual Pursuit

A qualifying round of head to head heats will select the eight best riders on the basis of their time, in order to compete in the first round over a distance of 4 km for men and 3 km for women. The four winners of the first round shall contest the finals. The riders with the two best times shall ride for the first and second place, while the two other riders shall ride for third and fourth places. The riders will start on opposite sides in the middle of the two straights of the track. Catching up with the other rider or recording the fastest time will determine the winner.

Points Race

Riders will cover a total distance of 40km for men (160 laps) and 25km for women (100 laps). Intermediate sprints occur every 10 laps. Sprint points will be awarded as follows: 5 points to the first rider, 3 points to the second, 2 points to the third and 1 point to the fourth. Any rider that gains a lap on the main bunch is awarded 20 points, while loses a lap will have 20 points deducted. The winner will be declared according to the accumulated points won. Where there is a draw on points, the place during the final sprints shall decide the final result.


Teams consisting of two riders will compete in a race run over a distance of 50km (200 laps) with intermediate sprints. The final placing will be determined by the accumulated points in the sprints, which occur every 20 laps, or by the distance according to the complete laps covered by each team. Teams having covered the same number of laps will be placed according to their accumulated points. Where there is a draw on laps and points, the place during the final sprint shall decide the final result.

Sprint points will be awarded as follows: 5 points to the first team, 3 points to the second, 2 points to the third and 1 point to the fourth.

Team Pursuit

Two teams of four riders will compete against each other in a 4km race, starting from the middle of the straight of each side of the track. Recording the fastest time or catching up with the other team will determine the winner. The front tyre of the third rider of each team crossing the line will determine the time of each team.

A qualifying round is conducted to determine which teams compete in the first round. Each team competes alone on the track with the best eight teams advancing to the first round selected on the basis of their time. The four winners of the first round shall contest the finals. The teams with the two best times shall ride for the first and second place, while the other two teams shall ride for third and fourth place.

Team Sprint

In team sprint, two teams of three riders will run over 3 laps of a track, each of those riders leading for one lap. A qualifying round, run by heats, will select the eight best teams on the basis of their times, in order for them to compete in the first round. The four winners of the first round shall contest the finals. The teams with the two best times shall ride for the first and second place, while the other two teams shall ride for third and fourth place.


Riders will run a two and a half laps sprint after completing five and a half laps behind a motorized pacer (derny). The pacer will start at 30km per hour and gradually increase the speed to 50km per hour, before leaving the track. The first round consists of 4 heats of 6 riders, with the first 2 riders from each heat advancing to the second round, and the remaining riders will go to the repechages. The second round consists of 2 heats of 6 riders, with the first 3 riders of each heat proceeding to the final for places 1-6, while the remaining riders will compete for places 7-12.

山地自行车cycling mountain bike规则:

Competition Format

The race is a mass start event, during which, after several laps of the circuit, the first rider to complete the distance is declared the winner.

At the start, riders will be positioned in the starting line according to their current UCI ranking. The higher position riders will be placed at the front of the group. Should a rider be lapped at any time during the race, the rider must finish that lap and then is removed from the competition by a commissaire via a designated finish lane before the start of the finish straight. The lapped rider will be listed in the results in order of finish plus number of laps down.

The course is an undulating circuit designed to produce an optimum winning time, not a specific distance. Time parameters are listed below (in hours and minutes).

Minimum Maximum

Men 2.00 2.15

Women 1.45 2.00

马术 英文介绍




freestyle自由泳,breaststroke蛙泳,butterfly蝶泳,individual medley个人混合泳,

freestyle relay自由泳接力,medley relay混合泳接力,Water polo水球,


10m latform event 十米跳台,3m springboard event三米跳板,synchronised diving from 10 m platform双人十米跳台,synchronised diving from 3 m springboard双人三米跳板,Synchronised swimming花样游泳


Individual events个人赛,Team events团体赛



100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米

800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米 110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米栏,400米栏

3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障碍赛

4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力


high jump跳高,pole vault撑杆跳高 ,long jump跳远, triple jump三级跳远 ,Throwing投掷

shot put推铅球,discus掷铁饼,hammer掷链球,javelin标枪

Decathlon男子十项全能,Heptathlon女子七项全能 Road events公路赛 marathon马拉松walk竞走

Ball Games(球类运动)


men's singles男子单打,women's singles女子单打,men's doubles男子双打,women's doubles女子双打,mixed doubles混合双打

Baseball棒球,Basketball篮球,Football足球,Handball手球,Hockey / Field Hockey曲棍球,Softball 垒球,Table Tennis乒乓球,Tennis网球,Volleyball排球,Beach Volleyball沙滩排球


Road cycling公路自行车赛,Track cycling场地自行车赛,sprint 追逐赛,time trial计时赛,points race 计分赛,pursuit 争先赛,Mountain bike山地自行车赛


Jumping障碍赛,Dressage盛装舞步,Eventing三日赛 Fencing(击剑)

Foil 花剑Epee重剑Sabre佩剑 Gymnastics(体操)

Artistic Gymnastics竞技体操,Floor Exercises自由体操,Pommel Horse鞍马Rings吊环Vault跳马Parallel Bars双杠Horizontal Bar单杠Uneven Bars高低杠Balance Beam平衡木Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操Gymnastics Trampoline蹦床 Modern Pentathlon(现代五项)

Shooting射击Fencing击剑Swimming游泳Riding马术Cross-country running越野跑


Windsurfer men / women - Mistral one design男子/女子帆板米氏级 S

ingle-handed Dinghy Women - Europe女子帆船欧洲级

Single-handed Dinghy men - Finn男子帆船芬兰人级

Single-handed Dinghy open - Laser激光级

Double-handed Dinghy men / women - 470男子/女子帆船470级预赛 Double-handed Dinghy open - 49er49人级 Multihull open - Tornado龙卷风级 Keelboat men - Star男子星光级 Keelboat women - Yngling女子索林级


10 m air rifle10米气步枪,10 m air pistol10米气手枪,Men's 10 m running target男子10米移动靶,

Men's 50 m rifle prone position男子50米步枪卧射,50 m rifle three positions50米步枪3种姿势 ,

Men's 50 m pistol男子50米手枪,Women's 25 m pistol女子25米手枪,Men's 25 m rapid fire pistol 男子25米手枪速射Trap多向飞碟,

Double trap双多向飞碟Skeet 双向飞碟


Swimming游泳Cycling自行车Running跑步 Weightlifting(举重) Snatch抓举Clean and jerk挺举


greco-roman古典式摔跤,free style自由式摔跤

Rowing(赛艇)Boxing(拳击) Canoeing(皮划艇)Judo(柔道)Taekwondo(跆拳道)



Equestrian refers to the related skills of riding, driving and training horses over obstacles. Equestrian has the practical use of work and transportation, and also has the meaning of leisure, entertainment and culture. It is a competitive sport and the only competition for men and women in the Olympics.


The equestrian competition requires a jockey and a horse to match the horse's skill, speed, endurance and ability to overcome obstacles. In the Olympic Games, it is divided into dressage, obstacle course and three-day competition, each with group and individual gold medals. A total of 6 gold medals were produced.


马在欧洲有贵族的象征,骑马对欧洲人而言不但是一种艺术:最高极致、结合了骑师与马匹之间的 调教,更是一门学问。马术比赛需要 骑师和马匹配合默契,考验马匹技巧、速度、 耐力和跨越障碍的能力。

马术是一项绅士运动,这项运动在人与马的完美配合中传递出儒雅。进入比赛场地后,观众要将手机关闭或设置振动状态。如有事,可用短信交流,或当比赛告一段落时,走出现场接打电话。应遵守一些比赛场馆不允许带相机入场、不允许使用闪光灯的规定。 凡是运动员有仰视动作、需高度集中注意力等比赛项目,都不得使用闪光灯。


Sailing (Olympic sport since 1900)

Sailing first became an Olympic sport in Paris in 1900, where time handicaps were used to adjudicate the race. The race format and the classes of competing boats have changed frequently since then. Olympic racing is now conducted with boats categorised into one-design classes based on similar weights and measurements.




There are few sports like sailing; it can be a gentle relaxing activity where the only noise is the wind in the sails and the water lapping against the hull; or it can be a fast active sport where a gust of wind will catch in the sail driving you forward with an acceleration which you wouldn't have thought possible.

Sailing is easy to get into as the basics can be mastered within a few hours, however, it will always offer a challenge which you will never tire of. Controlling the wind demands constant attention as it continuously changes direction and force; this makes sailing not just a thrilling activity but a skilful one as well.

Dingy sailing is an activity with a wide appeal; different designs of dingy allow sailors who are interested in all action thrills and spills to take part in the same sport as those wanting take a more leisurely cruise. In recent years this exciting sport has continued to develop with a range of new dinghies to sail, when combined with the range of established dinghies available often at very reasonable cost, dingy sailing really has become a sport for everyone.

The Boats

There are well with over a hundred designs now available; these can generally be split into the two following groupings:


These are fast planning (boat rises out of the water at speed) boats which for the most part are sailed by two person and have a large asymmetric kite (sail at front is flown from a pole attached to the front of the boat). Examples include the two person 49er, RS800, Laser 4000 and the single person RS700. As these tend to be the newer designs, they are the most expensive and are probably more suited to the committed enthusiast with some experience.

Traditional Classes

This covers a wide range of boats which tend for the most part to be slightly heavier than skiffs and so less likely to plane. They can still be great fun to sail and in some cases can be just as quick. Examples include the fast two person 505; the ever popular Laser; the Enterprise; and the well behaved Mirror.

It is often thought that sailing is an expensive sport because of the cost of the boats; whilst this can be true there is a thriving second hand market where good boats can generally be purchased from ?500 upwards. Because the second hand market is so good its often possible to sell a boat at nearly the same price you paid for it so the overall cost can be reasonable.

When buying a boat it is important to think about your sailing ability, fitness, and willingness to spend time righting the boat after a capsized. Generally the faster the boat the more fun to sail; however, the price for this will be a lot of time in the water when it capsizes. Most people will start with the slower boats and move on when they find the boat isn't providing sufficient challenge.

The Clubs

The sport has been built on 100's of well established clubs providing excellent facilities; these will range in size from small friendly clubs through to much larger clubs with a more comprehensive sailing program. Most people who sail will join a club; they do this for many reasons but the primary ones are: convenient storage of boats; rescue cover when sailing; meeting other sailors; changing facilities and organised racing.

When looking for a club it is a good idea to visit all the clubs within your area to see which best fits your requirements. If you only intend to sail infrequently you might want a club that will store your boat and doesn't cost too much; if on the other hand you intend sailing regularly you might want a club with large turnouts for races and with a number of boats the same as yours.

Wales has a number of clubs throughout the country sailing on lakes and the sea; chances are that there will be a club within easy driving distance of your home. Joining a club will usually cost from ?50 to ?200 a year and almost no club now has a waiting list.

Learning to Sail

Learning to sail can be done through clubs or commercial sailing schools offering Royal yachting association (RYA) approved courses. Alternatively, of increasing popularity are courses offered as holiday packages in countries such as Spain or Greece where learning to sail can be combined with a holiday.

奥运会的项目 你能用英语写有哪些




figure skating花样滑冰

individual men花样滑冰男子单人滑


ice dancing花样滑冰冰舞

speed skating速度滑冰

men team pursuit速度滑冰男子团体追逐

women 500m speed skating速度滑冰女子500米

short track speed skating短道速滑

women 3000m relay短道速滑女子3000米接力

curling 冰壶

men parallel giant slalom男子单板平行大回转

men snowboard cross男子单板障碍争先

Nordic combined北欧两项(越野滑雪和跳台滑雪)









1).体操 gymnastics

2).游泳 swimming

3).击剑 fencing

4).举重 weightlifting

5).棒球 baseball

6).篮球 basketball

7).排球 volleyball

8).乒乓球 table tennis

9).足球 soccer

10).跳水 diving

11).马球 polo

12).水球 water polo

13).垒球 softball

14).网球 tennis

15).赛艇 canoe

16).冲浪 surfing

17).自行车 cycling

18).羽毛球 badminton

19).田径 track and field

20).手球 handball

21).摔交 wrestling

22).拳击 boxing

23).射箭 toxophily

24).射击 shooting

25).柔道 judo

26).骑马 equestrian

27).曲棍球 hockey

race 跑

middle-distance race 中长跑

long-distance runner 长跑运动员

sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)

the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏

marathon 马拉松

decathlon 十项

cross-country race 越野跑

jump 跳跃

jumping 跳跃运动

high jump 跳高

long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)

triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳

pole vault 撑竿跳

throw 投掷

throwing 投掷运动

putting the shot, shot put 推铅球

throwing the discus 掷铁饼

throwing the hammer 掷链锤

throwing the javelin 掷标枪

walk 竞走

horizontal bar 单杠

parallel bars 双杠

rings 吊环

trapeze 秋千

wall bars 肋木

side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马

weight-lifting 举重

weights 重量级

boxing 拳击

Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤

hold, lock 揪钮

judo 柔道

fencing 击剑

winter sports 冬季运动

skiing 滑雪

ski 滑雪板

downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降

slalom 障碍滑雪

ski jumping competition 跳高滑雪比赛

ski jump 跳高滑雪

ice skating 滑冰

figure skating 花样滑冰

roller skating 滑旱冰

bobsleigh, bobsled 雪橇

football 足球

rugby 橄榄球

basketball 篮球

volleyball 排球

tennis 网球

baseball 垒球

handball 手球

hockey 曲棍球

golf 高尔夫球

cricket 板球

ice hockey 冰球

swimming 游泳

medley relay 混合泳

crawl 爬泳

breaststroke 蛙式

backstroke 仰式

freestyle 自由式

butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳

diving competition 跳水

water polo 水球

water skiing 水橇

rowing 划船

canoe 划艇

boat race 赛艇

yacht 游艇

kayak 皮船

sailing 帆船运动

road race 公路赛

race 计时赛

chase 追逐赛

motorcycle, motorbike 摩托车

racing car 赛车

racing driver 赛车驾驶员

rally 汽车拉力赛

riding 骑马

jockey, polo 马球

show jumping competition 跳跃赛

steeplechase 障碍赛

ten-meter platform 10米跳台

five-meter platform 5米跳台

three-meter springboard 3米跳板

one-meter springboard 1米跳板

starting dive 出发起跳

breaststroke 蛙泳

crawl stroke 爬泳

back stroke 仰泳

side stroke 侧泳

butterfly stroke 蝶泳

dolphin butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳



Swimming 游泳

freestyle 自由泳

backstroke 仰泳

breaststroke 蛙泳

butterfly 蝶泳

individual medley 个人混合泳

freestyle relay 自由泳接力

medley relay 混合泳接力

Water polo 水球

Diving 跳水

10m platform event 十米跳台

3m springboard event 三米跳板

synchronised diving from 10 m platform 双人十米跳台

synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 双人三米跳板

Synchronised swimming 花样游泳


Individual events 个人赛

Team events 团体赛


Track 径赛

100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米

800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米

110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米栏,400米栏

3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障碍赛

4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力

Jumping 跳跃

high jump 跳高

pole vault 撑杆跳高

long jump 跳远

triple jump 三级跳远

Throwing 投掷

shot put 推铅球

discus 掷铁饼

hammer 掷链球

javelin 标枪

Decathlon 男子十项全能

Heptathlon 女子七项全能

Road events 公路赛

marathon 马拉松

walk 竞走

Ball Games(球类运动)

Badminton 羽毛球

men's singles 男子单打

women's singles 女子单打

men's doubles 男子双打

women's doubles 女子双打

mixed doubles 混合双打

Baseball 棒球

Basketball 篮球

Football 足球

Handball 手球

Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球

Softball 垒球

Table Tennis 乒乓球

Tennis 网球

Volleyball 排球

Beach Volleyball 沙滩排球


Road cycling 公路自行车赛

Track cycling 场地自行车赛

sprint 追逐赛

time trial 计时赛

points race 计分赛

pursuit 争先赛

Mountain bike 山地自行车赛


Jumping 障碍赛

Dressage 盛装舞步

Eventing 三日赛


Foil 花剑

Epee 重剑

Sabre 佩剑


Artistic Gymnastics 竞技体操

Floor Exercises 自由体操

Pommel Horse 鞍马

Rings 吊环

Vault 跳马

Parallel Bars 双杠

Horizontal Bar 单杠

Uneven Bars 高低杠

Balance Beam 平衡木

Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操

Gymnastics Trampoline 蹦床

Modern Pentathlon(现代五项)

Shooting 射击

Fencing 击剑

Swimming 游泳

Riding 马术

Cross-country running 越野跑


Windsurfer men / women - Mistral one design 男子/女子帆板米氏级

Single-handed Dinghy Women - Europe 女子帆船欧洲级

Single-handed Dinghy men - Finn 男子帆船芬兰人级

Single-handed Dinghy open - Laser 激光级

Double-handed Dinghy men / women - 470 男子/女子帆船470级预赛

Double-handed Dinghy open - 49er 49人级

Multihull open - Tornado 龙卷风级

Keelboat men - Star 男子星光级

Keelboat women - Yngling 女子索林级


10 m air rifle 10米气步枪

10 m air pistol 10米气手枪

Men's 10 m running target 男子10米移动靶

Men's 50 m rifle prone position 男子50米步枪卧射

50 m rifle three positions 50米步枪3种姿势

Men's 50 m pistol 男子50米手枪

Women's 25 m pistol 女子25米手枪

Men's 25 m rapid fire pistol 男子25米手枪速射

Trap 多向飞碟

Double trap 双多向飞碟

Skeet 双向飞碟


Swimming 游泳

Cycling 自行车

Running 跑步


Snatch 抓举

Clean and jerk 挺举


greco-roman 古典式摔跤

free style 自由式摔跤






The Winter Olympics is mainly held by regions all over the world. It is the largest comprehensive Winter Games in the world. It is held every four years.


At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the shadow before the Olympic Games slowly formed.


At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, some ice and snow sports, such as skiing, sledding, skating, ice hockey and so on, were gradually popularized and developed in European and American countries.


In 1887, Norway established the world's first ski club.


In 1890, Canada established the world's first Hockey Association.


In 1892, the International Skating Union was established in the Netherlands.


In 1893, the first men's speed skating championship was held in Amsterdam.


In 1908, France established the world-wide International Hockey Federation.


In 1924, the formal Winter Olympic Games were formed.
